
Showing posts from January, 2013

Goodbye Laura

Laura, dear Laura.  You are now gone. You left us all to carry on. The hole we have can never be filled, There is no drying of the tears we spilled. For all of your kids and your Bob, Living now is an odious job. For your mom, dad, and siblings too, their colors now are all gray and blue. Dear Aunt Crafty what can we say, No longer will your handiwork brighten our day. Your big sister Corinne whose heart is so broken, Will miss so much your strength unspoken. We know that you will now not suffer, Your fight against death has made us all tougher. We never would wish for your continued pain, but after all is said and done, our sunshine has been turned into rain, and life has become much less fun.

I Am Not Seeing It...

So here we are, well into the "New Year" and it is not so "happy."  We are struggling on so many different fronts.  My health is not great.  My sister-in-law is dying.  We are barely getting by.  I know this seems like a whiney post and I guess maybe it is.  My wife and I are tired.  We are weary of the trials.  James says to count it all joy.  I am not seeing it. Prov 3:11-12 says not to shun the Lord's discipline because he disciplines those he loves.  I am not "feelin the love."  Heb 13 states that the "Lord is my helper. What can man do to me?"  Do I need to make a list?  I know.  I know.  In the face of eternity this is nothing.  I know I have enough for the day and I know I should not worry because worrying is a sin.  His grace is sufficient etc. etc.  How easy it is to quote scripture when you are NOT walking through the valley of the shadow of death.  I am a fleshly sinful man.  ...