Church! Do you call yourself Christian?
I am going to touch on a subject here that is extremely controversial. I would ask that if you read this, please read it carefully, regardless of your position. I am a Bible believing born-again Christian who believes that the Bible is the truth and that it clearly delineates sin. I am also a redeemed sinner. I believe that God is the judge and not me nor you. I believe that homosexuality is a sin. That does not mean that I hate homosexuals, I do not hate adulterers, porn addicts, thieves, liars, etc. All of which are sins too. I do not judge them. Again, that is God's job not mine. All that being said, I read today an article about the United Methodist Church "Coming Out" and it saddens me to see main stream protestant Christian churches allowing people, who are openly and proudly practicing homosexuality, to be leaders in their churches. The Bible, which these denominations state they believe, is clear on the matter and i...