Are You a True American?
So Donald Trump will be sworn in tomorrow. I did not vote for him. Many of my friends did. I did not vote for Hillary Clinton either. My family might have. I did vote. So my candidate did not win. What now? Doomsday wailing? Should I riot? Should I threaten the lives of celebrities and their families for considering performing at the inaugural? If I did any of these things, I could not consider myself a citizen of the United States of America. True Americans do not rebel against a duly elected president. True Americans do not riot and cause harm to innocent people in their neighborhoods because their candidate lost. True Americans don't threaten or harm those who supported the winning candidate. True Americans do not look for any excuse whether valid or not to slander the winner and his family. True Americans do not ignore the constitution or obey it when it does not or does fit their social and political agendas. True Americans do not hide behind lo...