Blame the Users and Not The Tools

In my life, I have fired 0.22 cal rifles, 0.32 revolver, 0.40 cal automatic pistol, 1911 0.45 cal automatic pistol, Makarov 9 mm x 18 mm, various 0.380 cal and 9mm automatic pistols, AR-15, and AK-47. All at targets. None of them alive. Was it fun? You betcha! Were the people I went shooting with knowledgeable about handling firearms and safety? Absolutely! Did I learn anything from them? Yes I did! Thank you Jake Kligmann, Mitchell Lee, and Coulton (sorry I don't know your last name)! Was it frightening? No way, especially with the aforementioned guys who were with me. I have cut down several trees with ax, saw, and chainsaw. Did I know how to do this? Yes I did. Was that scary? Yes it was at first, even with training and praactice. I have worked with high powered lasers and high energy unstable explosive materials. Did I know how to do this? I have a MS in Chemistry that says that I di...