
Showing posts from August, 2019

"I don't know, but I know who does..."

Everyone is looking for meaning in their life.  Simon Sinek calls it the "Why."  The problem often is that they look in the wrong places.   When the answers don't come, they get frustrated.  That frustration turns to fear. They ask, "Why doesn't my life have meaning?"  Fear almost always turns into anger.  It is how humans behave.  The anger will often turn into hatred, prejudice, et. al. It will look for someone or something to blame. They will blame politicians, religious leaders, religion and faith systems, almost anything but themselves. It is why there have always been every kind of self-help gurus, new/old age mysticisms, religions, science, Utopic philosophies, false prophets, etc.  I am not pointing fingers.  I can't. Too often, I have fallen into that evil cycle myself. We want answers and if the answers are truths we do not wish to accept or face, we vehemently reject them to the point of being hateful, condescending, and de...