Part 1: A Walk Through the Book of James
Background: There are 66 books in the Bible. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the new Testament. James is the 20 th book of the New Testament and falls between the books of Hebrews and 1 Peter. The author, is generally thought to be Jesus’s brother. There has been some discussion of he being another James (Jesus’s cousin via Mary wife of Clopas mother of James and Joses). There has been discussion also that he, Jesus’ brother, was not educated enough to write the letter. This would give support to an amanuensis, or scribe who wrote the letter but was dictated to by James. The letter was written in about 69-70 AD (possibly 62 AD) so it could not have been the apostle James who was martyred in 44 AD. There is also some speculation that his amanuensis wrote it after James’ death. In any case, it was written primarily to the Jewish believers (see vs 1) being persecuted and probably before the Roman oppression against all Christians. J...