
Showing posts from March, 2012

Top 10 Things That Make A Grown Man Cry

10. Hammer, car door, or other large object on fingers. 9. Sugar in a cavity that needs root canal. 8. Kidney stones 7. Winning 40 million dollars 6.  The IRS taking 95% of those winnings. 5. A solid hit in the groin. 4. Wife leaving him. 3. Conviction of sin 2. Wife dying 1. Child dying. My experience includes #'s 10, 9, 8, 5,3, and 1.  

Top Ten Summer-wear Don'ts!

The weather is getting warmer and many people are breaking out their Spring/Summer clothing.  Every year I cringe at the things I see so here is my list. 10.  The smell of coconut oil tanning lotion - nauseating 9. Wearing lingerie as outer wear. 8. Guys who wear shorts with black nylon socks and black leather shoes. 7. 12 -13 year old girls in string bikinis. Parents, do your job!! 6. Guys in ankle socks. 5. Shorts with white socks and sandals. 4. Women over 40 wearing tube tops.  Ladies please grow up! 3. Athletic guys who wear loose shorts and no underwear that like to take stances which reveal things best left hidden. 2. Guys in flip-flops.  I know you guys who wear them think its cool.  Its not!  No one wants to see your ugly man feet! And the number 1 is (drum roll please)  men in Euro-style Speedos.  I don't think I need to expound.


So I already said my piece on Christmas (see previous posts) now I need to talk about Easter.  It is the anglicized form of the pagan god Oster (sorry dad I can't find an umlaut).  Not the food processor! LOL! The Germanic god of fertility and new life.  So, Christians high-jacked that celebration to coincide with the celebration of Christ's death and resurrection.  I admit I love the dying of eggs, and the hunts, and the chocolate etc.  Sorry folks but I hate the peeps.  You know what I mean!  None of which has anything to do with the horrible way in which Christ died for me.  Am I bad Christian for enjoying this? Maybe.  Is that between me and God?  Absolutely.  In my life and in that of my family, does this fun little nothing detract or shadow the reality that we are sinners desperately needing forgiveness and grace?  Absolutely not!  My love for Jesus Christ is deepening daily.  My conviction for being a sinner dr...

I am Immortal!

Wow!  Lots of movies about superheroes, gods and demi-gods etc. etc.  All of these are based in fantasy.  I admit that I have fun watching them.  There is a danger, however, in taking them seriously.  Wishing and fantasizing that you are someone whom you are not nor whom you will ever be is a waste of time and energy.  I know because I have wasted plenty of time and energy in that endeavor.  So how does the title of this blog fit in? Well, I believe that the Holy Bible is true.  Oh I know that many who read this will say, "Yeah, but I don't." or "Well you are deluded."  These are the nice things that are and will be stated.  That is OK.  I am not asking anyone to believe anything just because I say so or because I post it here.  I am just stating what I believe.  The Bible states that my belief in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection for the salvation of my sins grants me eternal life.  I believe that Jesus Christ w...