Top Ten Summer-wear Don'ts!

The weather is getting warmer and many people are breaking out their Spring/Summer clothing.  Every year I cringe at the things I see so here is my list.

10.  The smell of coconut oil tanning lotion - nauseating
9. Wearing lingerie as outer wear.
8. Guys who wear shorts with black nylon socks and black leather shoes.
7. 12 -13 year old girls in string bikinis. Parents, do your job!!
6. Guys in ankle socks.
5. Shorts with white socks and sandals.
4. Women over 40 wearing tube tops.  Ladies please grow up!
3. Athletic guys who wear loose shorts and no underwear that like to take stances which reveal things best left hidden.
2. Guys in flip-flops.  I know you guys who wear them think its cool.  Its not!  No one wants to see your ugly man feet!

And the number 1 is (drum roll please)  men in Euro-style Speedos.  I don't think I need to expound.


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