A Letter To Those Whom I Love
Today is Good Friday. Many have asked why do we call it Good when an innocent man was put to death with a punishment reserved for traitors and those found guilty of the most heinous crimes. If you are a believer, you know the answer and need not continue reading if this feels like "preaching to the choir." This post is for my friends, family, and loved ones who are not. Many of you have heard the message before and like me rejected it due to its presentation or the hypocrisy of the presenters or both. Some of you have not. First, you should know, that I cannot save you nor am I trying to. My job, as a disciple of Christ is to present the good news. The rest is between you and God. He and he alone is the author of salvation. I will also preface this with the fact, that after years of searching and research, I believe the Bible to be true and the word of God. Brief history: God created man (evolution is unfounded - even atheist biologists state that) in his image; a...