Leaning On The Everlasting Arms?

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (ESV)

It seems as though that is a duh no-brainer for most Christians and for most circumstances it is.  But when you face a long tiring enduring trial, it is really tested.  I am talking about when your child is dying or spouse, or close one and you can do nothing to stop or prevent or alleviate the pain during the process and after the death.

Or if you become disabled, but for all appearances you look like a healthy strong man. You want to be the provider for your family, but you cannot take on a full time job and so you watch your spouse work long hours to bring in the money while you feel like any contribution you make is minimal.  When you feel like you are getting better and stronger and try to do something simple like walk across a football field and afterward you are back on oxygen for the next few days.   There are probably millions of other examples; many of which are not my own experiences.  It is under these types of trials that your trusting and leaning are put to the test.  I am the first to admit that often I fail, get discouraged, etc.  (If you are reading this and you are tempted to become a "Job's friend," please function in the fruit of the Spirit and exhibit self-control.)  But there are times when I do succeed.  Praise God!  Praise Him because I had nothing to do with it.

I have been under some strong financial duress for several months and I am not getting physically stronger.  I am still grieving my daughter's death (I always will) and my wife just lost her sister and best friend to a 4 year battle with breast cancer.  My heart is in a place where there is no one left to trust but Him and I have absolutely no understanding of what He is doing.

I actually do lean on a cane.  I think I will name it Not My Own Understanding.


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