
Showing posts from 2019

Trust the NO

How many times have we prayed in earnest and received a no answer.  Like the children we are, we at the worst throw temper tantrums and at the best we, disappointedly, go on hoping that God knows what He is doing. After all, didn’t Jesus Christ say that whatever we ask in His name it will be given?  John 14:13-14, Matthew 18:19, Mark 11:24 et. al. The problem arises from taking it out of context.  Ok. So we understand that we must ask and believe that we will receive it.  A faith issue.  Again more context must be observed.  In these verses, Jesus Christ was telling us how we would be empowered to do God’s work and not our own. Does God want us to ask Him for all things? Absolutely.  Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it is wait, and sometimes it is a flat NO.  We rejoice in the yes, we hope in the wait, but the no is hard. James tells us we ask for the wrong things. James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong...

"I don't know, but I know who does..."

Everyone is looking for meaning in their life.  Simon Sinek calls it the "Why."  The problem often is that they look in the wrong places.   When the answers don't come, they get frustrated.  That frustration turns to fear. They ask, "Why doesn't my life have meaning?"  Fear almost always turns into anger.  It is how humans behave.  The anger will often turn into hatred, prejudice, et. al. It will look for someone or something to blame. They will blame politicians, religious leaders, religion and faith systems, almost anything but themselves. It is why there have always been every kind of self-help gurus, new/old age mysticisms, religions, science, Utopic philosophies, false prophets, etc.  I am not pointing fingers.  I can't. Too often, I have fallen into that evil cycle myself. We want answers and if the answers are truths we do not wish to accept or face, we vehemently reject them to the point of being hateful, condescending, and de...

11 Years Have Gone By

Today is the anniversary of my dear Rachael's death. This poem I wrote for her funeral 11 years ago and have posted it before.  Here it is again.  It is her, frozen in my mind and heart's time. The Purple Princess by Pete Kligmann There was a purple princess who was her daddy's joy. She climbed the highest trees as fast as any boy. Those who got to know her found her love was true. She gave her life to Jesus, her friends, and family too. She loved to cook, and ride, and play. She had to read everyday. She wanted to be just like her mama, A midwife and mom to lots. She learned all about childbirth and babysat many tots. She often loved to sing out loud but rarely sang on key. Her love and praise of Jesus Christ was plain for all to see. Rachael, dear Rachael. I give you to your princely groom, but always remember in your daddy's heart, there remains an empty room.

To All Of My Kids: Wherever They Are

Father's Day is scheduled each year for the third Sunday in June.  It tends to fall between the 15th and the 20th.  My birthday is the 25th.  My daughter Rachael was hit by car June 18th 2008.  She was 12 years old and about about 1 month from her 13th birthday.  She was in a coma for 2 weeks and died July 2, 2008.  For the first about 4-5 years since then, Father's Day, my birthday, and Independence Day had little joy.  But then, something happened.  Her brothers and sisters, and my wife went out of their way to try and make those days (F-Day and birthday) extra special.  They succeeded.  This year is no exception.  I have been tremendously blessed and have had some terrific days.  What is more is that the new additions to our family (DIL's and SIL's) have gone out of their ways to enhance the blessings too. Yes I still miss our Rachael, and I still suffer grief at this time, but because of them, the days are no longer dark b...

Make My Day...

For years and in various different places, friends and associates have told me that as a man I should have a hobby. I like cars, but I am not a car guy.  I like reading but it still is not a passion.  I love history but it can be boring at times.  Music is a mood maker for me but not my groove. I enjoy movies too. I tried golf but it did not fit. So I found out I love guns.  I love shooting them.  I love learning about them.  I am such a novice and I only own 1 but wow, they are fun!  I don't want to shoot anyone.  I just love shooting the gun. AR-15's, 243's, 45's, 40's, 9 mm's. etc. I love them all. Have not tried a shot gun but it is on my list.  I am limited by damaged wrists but ported guns have been my redemption. I have found my hobby.  I am trying to save money for my next gun.  I am a good shot at 10 yds or less with an ACP  0.380.  I am darn good at 25 yds with an AR-15 and pretty good with a 9mm or a ported...

Another Look At Women in Ministry

(NIV) 1 Timothy 2:11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. (KJV) 1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (NASB) 1 Timothy 2:11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. (ESV) 1 Timothy 2:11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submiss...

True Love?

It doesn't come in a box of red, nor spiked heels worn in bed. It doesn't come in an expensive meal, and not in a florist's annual deal. You won't find it in a revealing dress, or a fancy car brought to impress. A box of sweets won't make it true, nor words that rhyme meant to woo. It is built and not unveiled. It carries through when hope has failed. It brings joy from others served, especially when it is not deserved. When sickness comes and there is nothing left, It heals the soul and spans the cleft. It is loyal beyond good sense, and over looks the deep offense. Its gentle strength ignites passion and desire, Age and frailness won't quench its fire. Don't let a day define for you, what takes a lifetime to see it true.

Euthanasia, Where and When Will It End?

New York just passed a law allowing abortions to occur as late as the baby's due date if the mother is at risk.  How sad.  I am not writing this because of any political stance.  I am writing this in defense of the defenseless.  You know it won't stop there. Babies with defects will soon be on the chop list.  I say chop because that is what occurs. Soon there will be laws passed to euthanize old people.  Logan's Run is no longer a Sci-Fi fantasy. It is racing to become a reality. God destroyed the earth with a flood because of the evil that purveyed the human race.  We are almost there. No, God won't destroy the earth with a flood because He always keeps His promises. It confuses me that people silently agree with the murder of pediphiles in prison by other despicable criminals but the murder of millions of babies by doctors is OK in their book.  It is abhorrent to have sex with a child but reasonable to mutilate them to death while still in ...