
Showing posts from February, 2012

Why are We So Emphatic?

Maybe the word should be passionate.  When a born-again Christian explains their faith/belief to a family member or friend it is not because we want to push our "religion" on to them.  Unfortunately, sometimes it comes off that way and sometimes we become so passionate about it we become insensitive.  Please forgive us for that insensitivity.  We have accepted a gift of freedom from our bondage to sin.  We have come to realize that there was nothing we could possibly do ourselves to get that freedom.  We have been shown that through Jesus Christ we gain that freedom and along with that freedom we have access to God and eternal life, forever.  We also know what the alternative to that is, everlasting torment in hell. We love our friends and families and we do not want that to happen to them so we passionately witness to them.  Here is where we are mistaken at times in our process, we make the assumption that just because we believe you should belie...

Being a Daddy to True Princesses!

Every year my brothers-in-law, my oldest son, and our daughters attend the Valentine's Day Daddy Daughter dance.  This year, we missed it due to a scheduling mistake.  Almost devastating!  We recouped and are taking out our daughters tonight.  Not to a dance but to a dance performance.  All my girls are my princesses!  I want them to know it and if once in a while I can make them feel that way too, well the pleasure is mine!  There is a scene in the movie Courageous, where the dad does not dance with his little girl.  If you have seen the movie you know what I mean. If not, see it!  Dads, your daughter(s) do not care if you look more like a Marx brother than Patrick Swayze when you dance with them.  All they care is that their daddy sees them as being worthy of being danced with.  DANCE WITH HER!!!!  You never know when they won't be there anymore.  I am so glad that I got to dance with my Rachael when she was still here a...

Held to Higher Standard?

Ever notice that non-Christians hold Christians to higher standard than themselves?  Why?  We never claim to be perfect.  As a matter-of-fact we are Christian because we know very well how imperfect we are and so have realized how much and to what extent we need forgiveness.  Still, when a Christian screws up, as EVERYONE does, a non-Christian points accusing fingers and says "I thought you are Christian, how could you do that?"  Answer, "Same way as you." We are fallen as is everyone else. The only difference is that we are aware of it.  It does not makes us any better nor does it make us any worse.  God is judge.  Not us nor anyone else.  Does that mean that Christians are free from being judgmental.  Unfortunately , no.  Maybe, the fault lies in outspoken folks of the past who claimed to be better because of their beliefs?  If so, they were wrong as well.  We are not better, but from our standpoint, because we have ac...

Mankind - Basically good or basically evil?

Many people over the years have told me that mankind is basically good and that evil is just an aberration that occurs from time-to-time in everyone and sometimes overwhelms and takes control over some. I don't put on any pretenses about what I believe and I believe that the Holy Bible is the truth not just a truth.  The Bible teaches us that mankind is fallen and is basically evil.  I concur. Let's look at the human race and put this is uncomplicated terms. If mankind was basically good, why has not the human race improved?  Yes, we have incredible, medical, and scientific advances that have made life for many easier.  I would not trade living 100 years ago for living today.  But why have we not improved?  Slavery still exists.  We not only can kill each other in mass quantities, but the after effects destroy the land in which we live and those not killed initially die slowly in a manner equivalent and in some ways more grotesque than those to...