Held to Higher Standard?

Ever notice that non-Christians hold Christians to higher standard than themselves?  Why?  We never claim to be perfect.  As a matter-of-fact we are Christian because we know very well how imperfect we are and so have realized how much and to what extent we need forgiveness.  Still, when a Christian screws up, as EVERYONE does, a non-Christian points accusing fingers and says "I thought you are Christian, how could you do that?"  Answer, "Same way as you."

We are fallen as is everyone else. The only difference is that we are aware of it.  It does not makes us any better nor does it make us any worse.  God is judge.  Not us nor anyone else.  Does that mean that Christians are free from being judgmental.  Unfortunately , no.  Maybe, the fault lies in outspoken folks of the past who claimed to be better because of their beliefs?  If so, they were wrong as well.  We are not better, but from our standpoint, because we have accepted and received God's free gift of mercy, we are better off.

So out of gratitude, we strive to obey God, allow Him to change us, and in so doing become aware of the things that He wishes us to do or to avoid.  But we are still sinful and we still make mistakes; therefore, we are in no way better, again, because of His grace, better off.  


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