Don't Blame God

My heart is truly breaking for those folks in Connecticut.  How horrible!!  My first thought was for all the families!  His too.  The idiotic press published his brother's name as the shooter nationally.  There needs to be an addendum t o freedom of the press that should state that the freedom is there in as much as they report responsibly.  Anyway, I know the questions are God why did this happen?  Why did you do this God?  How can you let this happen?

God did not do this.  God gave man the free will and man chose to do this.  You can't have the freedom to choose or not choose God and then blame Him for not controlling you when you act evil.  God is a just and loving and merciful God.  He has given us this freedom but that freedom comes with choices and responsibilities whether we believe it or not.

So what do we do when tragedy strikes? Because it does.  Those of us who believe fall to our knees.  We pray for the fallen and the families they have effected.  We pray for their peace and their comfort and their healing.  We don't put blame on God, the source of all good.  We put the blame on Satan, the source of all evil and the blame on the individuals who made evil choices.

Does this make it better?  Absolutely not!  Does it answer the question why did it happen?  Again absolutely not!  Does it bring comfort to those whom disaster has struck? No.  But being mad at God for it does not make it any better either.  Believe me I know.  I have been mad at Him.  I was once His enemy and I still make evil choices (no not gunning down little children).  He still loved and loves me and was patient with me until I learned that He is not to be blamed for the condition of the world nor is He to be blamed for the condition of Mankind's hearts and souls.  He gave us the freedom to choose whether or not to acknowledge him as our creator, our father, and our savior.  We chose ourselves over Him and sin and evil entered into the world. As a consequence, we live in a fallen world where tragedy often strikes.  God still loved us enough to give us a way out and he still loves us enough to allow us the choice to take that way out.  We have that freedom, that choice and that responsibility to stand or fall by the choices we make.

God loves us in ways we cannot and will not ever fathom. Perhaps we should think how awful and sad it is for God to see such tragedy in the world He intended to be perfect, that he created specifically for us, but we screwed up!

People of Newton Connecticut my heart grieves for you!  My prayers are for you!


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