What Party Am I?

For those who know me and have known me, I used to be a staunch conservative (1 step away from a compound in Cors D'Laine armed to the teeth).  Rachael's death and God has shown me that it does not really matter.  Am I still conservative minded?  Yes.  Do I feel a need to spread my conservatism? Not any longer.  There are more important things.  My God, His message, my family (both blood and water), and my neighbors.  So where am I going with this?  Take a seat.  Take a breath.

I have many ideas, passions, many opinions.  Many are very conservative (Tea Party, Reagan Republican), many are anti-government involvement (Libertarian) and yes, many are liberal (Democrat/Socialist/Communist).  But let me be perfectly clear (said with a Nixon impression), these ideas/opinions/passions are MINE!! Not theirs.  These ideas do not they enroll me in nor associate me with a particular political party/movement.  Politically, I am eclectic.  I agree and disagree with issues at my discretion and not theirs nor yours.  I try and let God direct me and use the intellect and discernment he has blessed me with to make informed decisions/opinions about issues.  I am willing to listen to others if they are willing to listen to me.  I do not condemn anyone for any political affiliation or opinion.  I expect the same from others.  Unfortunately, I rarely get that.

Regardless, as we teach our children, we are responsible for our own thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Is it OK to be Republican, Libertarian, Democrat, Communist, Socialist, whatever?  Absolutely. Is it OK to impose upon or insist that these parties have the only way that is good to follow?  No.  If this offends you, good.  It offends me to be told that I have to follow a specific party, their agenda, and issues upon which they focus. I try to follow Jesus Christ and His issues and agenda.  Many are conservative and yes, many are socialist (Don't believe me?  Read the book of Acts in the Bible).

I can hear it now. "He just said that Jesus Christ is a Pinko Commie!"  Please.  Think about what I just said.  Jesus Christ was not concerned about politics He was concerned about our relationship with the Father and how we treat each other.

Matthew 22:36-40 (ESV)36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And (B)a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend (E)all the Law and the Prophets.

So when you wish to discuss politics with me, I am willing to listen, but please don't be surprised if I disagree, or just am not even concerned with the issue.  Quite frankly, there are more important things than how much Michelle Obama paid for her family vacation.


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