God and Sex in the Same Context? Why I never...
Before you start gathering the bundles of wood and gasoline, let me preface this with, I am not in any way being blasphemous nor mocking. I do have your attention, though. So let's look at the word sex and the almost subconscious feelings of taboo the word brings to those who have been culturally raised in the west. If you are honest, even as a mature Christian, just mentioning the word has an underlying feeling of guilt, naughtiness, etc. I know it does for me and I do not consider myself mature. It was never meant to be that way. Let me repeat, IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE THAT WAY! We are fallen and the word, its true meaning/purpose, has been corrupted. I know you know that, but still, again if you are honest, you will admit that my title brought up, at the very least, feelings of annoyance, and for many, feelings of outrage and righteous indignation. Hopefully, at the end of this post, you will chuckle.
I need to talk about God prior to talking about sex. I want you to understand that I do not believe that God has love but that God is love. I also believe, that love is not God. I say this to those who have made the idea of love an idol. Many of us, Christians included, have knowingly or unknowingly done this. God is love. He and He alone is the source of true love. I am talking about His love and all that it is meant to be and not Hollywood love or any other popular ideas on the subject. God is also the source of truth. Again, He does not have truth, but IS truth. I am not splitting hairs. We need to understand this as well as we can. Think of the sun and the moon. A full moon will light up the night, but the source of the light is still the sun. So it is with God and on a much bigger scale. So much so, that we can not fathom it.
Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
Ecclisastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
(Hah! You were wondering when I was going to get to the bible...) So God is love. We were created in His image. Logic then dictates that we were created in the image of love as well. All of the Holy Bible, His Living and Written Word, shouts, screams, and even begs His creation to understand that He desires our hearts. He is so much more concerned with the condition of our hearts and souls and the relationship we have with Him and He us. I don't have the space for all of the quotes. If you don't agree with me, not a problem, but base your arguments on biblical text.
So let's move on to the word sex. Sex, was designed by God, to develop, maintain, and bless the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical relationship between a man and a woman in a marriage covenant relationship with each other. Sorry, if you don't like that definition, but the Holy Bible is the source of the definition and it is God's written Word. I am not trying to offend or cause uprising. I believe that the Holy Bible is true. If you do not agree with my interpretation or my resource I am not offended. I won't judge you nor do I condemn you. I will respect your beliefs and opinion with the provision that you please respect mine. Sex was designed to be the ultimate, deep, heart committed, emotional, and yes, spiritual intimacy created in us by God. Somewhere down the line, intimacy was removed and reserved only for a loving relationship and sex was redefined as just a physical act and at best, sterilized (oxymoronic pun intended) into a cold definition that it has become even for the purest of us. At worst, it became the taboo word that is only talked about behind closed doors.
I hope that you can see where I am going with this or at least suspect where I might be going. If not, follow along some more. Again, I repeat that we are created in God's image. Again, throughout His Word, God proclaims how much He loves us, desires a deeply intimate emotional, mental, and spiritual relationship with us. Without the physical union, which was His gift to us, sex, the way He meant it to be, sounds a lot like a reflection of His love for us. Since self honesty is tantamount for this discussion, those of you who are in a marital relationship, know that the physical part of sex is so greatly enhanced by the deep emotional, mental, and yes spiritual bond you have with your spouse. If it isn't, work at it and it will be.
God is pleased to please us. God loves to bring us surprise gifts. God protects us and is jealous for our love. Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. God overwhelms us with His blessings. He considers us His bride (Eph 5: 22-33 et.al.). Sounds like a true love to me. Ultimately, while unrequited, He loved us so much that He died for us.
So can we talk about God and sex within the same context? We better, since He created us and it for us.
I need to talk about God prior to talking about sex. I want you to understand that I do not believe that God has love but that God is love. I also believe, that love is not God. I say this to those who have made the idea of love an idol. Many of us, Christians included, have knowingly or unknowingly done this. God is love. He and He alone is the source of true love. I am talking about His love and all that it is meant to be and not Hollywood love or any other popular ideas on the subject. God is also the source of truth. Again, He does not have truth, but IS truth. I am not splitting hairs. We need to understand this as well as we can. Think of the sun and the moon. A full moon will light up the night, but the source of the light is still the sun. So it is with God and on a much bigger scale. So much so, that we can not fathom it.
Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
Ecclisastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
(Hah! You were wondering when I was going to get to the bible...) So God is love. We were created in His image. Logic then dictates that we were created in the image of love as well. All of the Holy Bible, His Living and Written Word, shouts, screams, and even begs His creation to understand that He desires our hearts. He is so much more concerned with the condition of our hearts and souls and the relationship we have with Him and He us. I don't have the space for all of the quotes. If you don't agree with me, not a problem, but base your arguments on biblical text.
So let's move on to the word sex. Sex, was designed by God, to develop, maintain, and bless the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical relationship between a man and a woman in a marriage covenant relationship with each other. Sorry, if you don't like that definition, but the Holy Bible is the source of the definition and it is God's written Word. I am not trying to offend or cause uprising. I believe that the Holy Bible is true. If you do not agree with my interpretation or my resource I am not offended. I won't judge you nor do I condemn you. I will respect your beliefs and opinion with the provision that you please respect mine. Sex was designed to be the ultimate, deep, heart committed, emotional, and yes, spiritual intimacy created in us by God. Somewhere down the line, intimacy was removed and reserved only for a loving relationship and sex was redefined as just a physical act and at best, sterilized (oxymoronic pun intended) into a cold definition that it has become even for the purest of us. At worst, it became the taboo word that is only talked about behind closed doors.
I hope that you can see where I am going with this or at least suspect where I might be going. If not, follow along some more. Again, I repeat that we are created in God's image. Again, throughout His Word, God proclaims how much He loves us, desires a deeply intimate emotional, mental, and spiritual relationship with us. Without the physical union, which was His gift to us, sex, the way He meant it to be, sounds a lot like a reflection of His love for us. Since self honesty is tantamount for this discussion, those of you who are in a marital relationship, know that the physical part of sex is so greatly enhanced by the deep emotional, mental, and yes spiritual bond you have with your spouse. If it isn't, work at it and it will be.
God is pleased to please us. God loves to bring us surprise gifts. God protects us and is jealous for our love. Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. God overwhelms us with His blessings. He considers us His bride (Eph 5: 22-33 et.al.). Sounds like a true love to me. Ultimately, while unrequited, He loved us so much that He died for us.
So can we talk about God and sex within the same context? We better, since He created us and it for us.
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