My Time Was/ Is Not Up
In Feb 2009 I became infected with viral meningitis. I had a fever of over 106 degrees for 3-4 days while they pumped very powerful anti-viral meds into me. They kept a crash cart inside and outside my room. The virus attacked my brain,, heart, and lungs. I went into congestive heart failure. I had pluracy and pneumonia. My pericardium was damaged and I lost a lot of my short term memory abilities. I essentially became permanently disabled at that point. For 10 days I was knocking on Death’s door. It was not my time. God kept me here.
Fast forward to last Monday June 11. I was taken to the hospital with 102 fever. Normally, that wouldn’t be a hospital worthy event but I just had surgery 2 weeks prior and infection could cause serious problems. At the hospital, my body went into septic shock. My blood pressure dropped to 70/50, my heart started to produce enzymes associated only with heart attacks, my kidneys were in renal failure and my liver function became erratic. In essence, I was dying. They injected me with strongest antibiotics known. 2 things that puzzled and confused the docs. First, they could not find the source of the infection and second they did not understand why I responded so fast to their treatment. 50% of people in septic shock die and never respond that positively that quickly. Most of you who have read my blog know that I am not shy about my faith. So it should come as no surprise that I believe that God chose to heal me rather than bring me home.
So what does this mean? Frankly, I am not sure but I strongly feel as though God is making another profound change in me. I am starting to see some perspective changes in me already. I would hate to think that if God chose to let me live when all else was pointing to death, that it wasn’t to bring about change. Specifically change in me. I guess the purpose for this post is to inform you, my readers, how serious the event was and that if you see a different perspective or direction in my future posts, it is OK. I am not going off the deep end (I already did). Blessings.
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