
Showing posts from January, 2012

Glue or Goo

In our daily family Bible study today, we finished the book of Titus.  We had a long discussion about divisiveness ( Titus 3:    9  But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.  10  Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.  11  You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned. )    and what that meant.  Everyone had something to say.  Somethings were about work experiences, some about family experiences, some about experiences with friends, and some about experiences at churches.  We talked about how people who have been gifted with leadership qualities can either use or abuse those gifts.  How gossip in any form is so damaging.  We talked about how it can start with just a simple annoyance.  That the simple annoyance, real or percei...

Thus Ends A Generation

My Aunt Emma died today.  Her name was Emma Kligmann Nocito. She was the youngest of her group.  The oldest was my Uncle Albert Reisdorf, next was my Uncle Michael Reisdorf who went to war (WWII) and never returned and was never found, then my Dad, Gottfried Kligmann who died in 1996, his sister my Aunt Bertha Kligmann Vick, then his brother Uncle Samuel Kligmann.  All are no longer with us. My Uncle Samuel came to the US from East Germany with special permission in 1976 (before the wall came down).  It was the first time my father had seen him in 31 years.  2 years later he came back with my Aunt Bertha.  That was the only time I ever saw either. My Aunt Emma I knew well and have many fond memories of her.  She was generous, very strong willed, intelligent, and a good business woman.  She was also a fantastic cook.  She could cook Italian better than most Italians.  She loved to party too!  She traveled a lot with her husband, ...

My Apologies To Elijah

Have you ever read the story of Elijah the prophet of God in the Bible?  One of the biggest events is described when Elijah, before the nation of Israel who took to devil (Baal) worshiping, proved God's might and power over that of Baal.  He set up 2 altars of wood and had them soaked with water.  He then told the priests of Baal to have their god light the fire.  Nothing happened.  Elijah asked God (the real one) to light the fire and He did.  I left out some details.  You can get the whole story in the Bible 1 Kings 18.  Anyway after that Elijah slew ~400 of the Baal priests.  Now the queen, Jezebel, who was a practicing witch of black magic as well as a devil-worshiper (sort of redundant), got pretty mad about it.  She had been denounced many times by Elijah and had many of God's prophets executed.  She puts a contract out on Elijah (or puts a hit on him).  Elijah got scared and ran away.  I used to think, what is wrong...


I am so angry!!!  I have always been in favor of tough borders and tough immigration but ICE really blew it today!!  They are so busy making sure that those who are trying to do it right are dotting every i and crossing every t that hundreds of illegals toting all kinds of drugs and weapons get missed coming across the border.  I wrote this letter topday because a good friend of mine, Jorge Barahona, a good man., a devout husband and father, and sincere Christian was accosted and detained by officers of ICE in front of his family.  I have reposted on FB the video his wife made.  Please pray for this family!  Below is a letter I sent to Sens. Orin Hatch and Mike Lee. Dear Mr. Hatch, I have long supported tough immigration and the need for greater border safety; however, today, ICE overstepped their boundaries.  A good friend of mine, Jorge Barahona, who has been trying to get citizenship here for the past 10 years, has been here legally and has bee...

Throw Stones If You Like...

Who do I like for 2012 Presidential Election? Let's start with who would be my #1 choice.  Sarah Palin - I don't think she is running, too bad. Let's look at the possibles from the Republican Party: Mitt Romney - he looks sharp, but he was governor of one of the most liberal states in the union - and this is a bad notch for me against him.  BTW, his faith base has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it. Newt Gringrich - I really think he is sharp and has good politics but 3 marriages brings serious doubt to me about his ability to commit.  As a leader of the country, if his own house is unstable... Ron Paul - a little out there, but he sticks with a conservative ideas of which I support.  Has a strong grass roots following.  He bears strong watching. Rick Santorum - started out with good conservative views and voting but when the crunch was on he supported a liberal RINO over a true conservative. John Huntsman - does not have a strong enough following an...

10 Things I Dislike About Me and 10 Things I Like About Me

We all like to make New Year's resolutions.  But before I can, I need a list of what to work on what to leave alone (ie If it ain't broke don't fix it!). Dislikes 10. I am physically impaired and I don't know if it is permanent 9. I am not as sharp as I used to be. 8. The causes of impairments previously mentioned has severely effected my short term memory 7. I am not as funny as I thought I was. 6. I have a disabling fear of heights (more to the point of ladders) 5. I am not fond of bugs (spiders are OK) but I admire their purposes 4. I hate financial matters and the stress they bring me. 3. I get angry too quickly 2. I am extraordinarily selfish 1. I lack so much faith even after God has proven to be faithful to me time and time again Likes 10. I am not as fat as I used to be. 9.  I have a good imagination 8. I still have an above average intelligence 7. I love to laugh and am first in line to laugh at myself 6. I am not judgemental. 5. Regard...