I am so angry!!!  I have always been in favor of tough borders and tough immigration but ICE really blew it today!!  They are so busy making sure that those who are trying to do it right are dotting every i and crossing every t that hundreds of illegals toting all kinds of drugs and weapons get missed coming across the border.  I wrote this letter topday because a good friend of mine, Jorge Barahona, a good man., a devout husband and father, and sincere Christian was accosted and detained by officers of ICE in front of his family.  I have reposted on FB the video his wife made.  Please pray for this family!  Below is a letter I sent to Sens. Orin Hatch and Mike Lee.

Dear Mr. Hatch,

I have long supported tough immigration and the need for greater border safety; however, today, ICE overstepped their boundaries.  A good friend of mine, Jorge Barahona, who has been trying to get citizenship here for the past 10 years, has been here legally and has been jumping through all of the hoops, spending thousands on legal fees and filling out proper paperwork, was arrested by ICE officers who burst into his house in front of his children and wife.  HE IS DOING IT THE RIGHT WAY! The Knew right where to go because he HAS been doing it the right way. Have those Nazis  go after the illegal alien drug lords.  He is currently being  detained. Please look into this and stop this idiocy.

Thank you,
Peter Kligmann


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