Throw Stones If You Like...

Who do I like for 2012 Presidential Election?

Let's start with who would be my #1 choice.  Sarah Palin - I don't think she is running, too bad.

Let's look at the possibles from the Republican Party:

Mitt Romney - he looks sharp, but he was governor of one of the most liberal states in the union - and this is a bad notch for me against him.  BTW, his faith base has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it.

Newt Gringrich - I really think he is sharp and has good politics but 3 marriages brings serious doubt to me about his ability to commit.  As a leader of the country, if his own house is unstable...

Ron Paul - a little out there, but he sticks with a conservative ideas of which I support.  Has a strong grass roots following.  He bears strong watching.

Rick Santorum - started out with good conservative views and voting but when the crunch was on he supported a liberal RINO over a true conservative.

John Huntsman - does not have a strong enough following and I am not sure as to how conservative his views are.  This in and of itself should raise a question since he is the governor of Utah.

Michele Bachmann - I like this gal.  She is supported by Tea Party conservatives and is not afraid to speak her mind.  I don't know if she has the following and the support to make it all the way.

There are others, and while I think that dark horses are possible, I don't think they will make it past the first round in the primaries.


  1. Yeah...well we know you have hardly any strong political opinions! :D


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