
Showing posts from 2011

For Shannon and Zack

Lord, We know that your definition of good often is not ours.  Our definition would include Shannon and Zack being healed and restored.  We are fervently praying that this would be one of those times that they coincide! Your adopted son, Pete

A Prayer for Zack

Dear God, Please heal Zack Lindley!  Please comfort Rob, Stacy, Adam, and Christian as well as the rest of the Lindley family.  Lord, we know that accidents happen and we know that you can turn tragedy into miracles.  We ask that you would perform a miracle for Zack.  We do not ask that you would change your plan whatever that may be but we do ask that if it is within that plan, that Zack be healed and restored.  As with all that we can, we place our faith in you and not anything we can or cannot do and we pray this in your name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Christmas - Why?

"Christmas is the time of year for giving." "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." Plus others.  Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  This is true.  It is a tradition of man.  This is also true.  Historically, the date was picked to coincide with the winter solstice in order to ease conversion of pagans to Christianity. Also true. Depression, suicide, greed, avarice are especially rampant during the Christmas season. Why?  Jesus Christ was the greatest gift given to those of mankind who accept his gift, epitomizing God's love for us. He was selfless in sacrificing his life.  If we truly celebrate this gift by giving gifts to others why are so many people unhappy, depressed, etc. at this time of year? The reason is apparent.  People are looking for their happiness, their self worth, their life meaning within a tradition.  Christmas cannot, and will never provide that for anyone.  Nor will the church, nor will ...

Some Days

Some days I want to throw in the towel, some days my life seems a foul. Some days it seems that all is lost, like the fight I fight is not worth the cost. It is these days when there is no hope, no strength to breath or even cope, When God's glory shines ever so bright, My lord, my savior steps in to fight. Regardless of the past or where I've been, my mistakes, my pride and all of my sin. It saddens me, and he even more, that I waited to call till I was on the floor. Relying on myself to stand in the gap, Only to fall into Satan's death trap. Even though my heart has been torn to pieces, my armor smashed into dents and creases, I turn on my back and look up to the cross, My beginning, my end, my driver of dross. There my lord holds out his hand, lifts me to my feet so that I can stand. I am humbled again  by his amazing grace. And tears flow freely down my face. My trials and my pain melt away, and in his power, I will fight another day.

Addendum to Pet Peeve #2

Along with people who try and beat emergency vehicles are those people who refuse to get out of your way when you are trying to pull over.  Some of them even get made at you and beep at you!  These jerks don't realize that someone they love could very well be in that emergency vehicle.  Worse, it could be someone I love.

Stupid questions with appropriate responses!

Here are some actual questions that I have received and answered. Hottest day in Philadelphia history while working under my car: Q: Are you working on your car? A: No I am just enjoying the shade. In response to pregnancy announcement (10th or 11th). Nasty asker- Q:  You know, they know what causes that. A: Really?!  Oh please tell me cause my wife and I are on our 11th child  and we don't know! Friendly askers (room full of co-workers): Q: Same A:  Better than everyone and anyone in this room! (My co-workers laughed and never asked again) Lying in a hospital bed with a fever of 106+ and a crash cart outside my room: Nurse after she has just readjusted my IV meds, blood samples and BP taken for the 5th time in one night when I was supposed to get some sleep. Q: How are you feeling Mr. Kligmann? A: My wife, family and God will not allow me to write this answer. There have been and will be many others but this is the number one of all time.  M...

Ranting and Raving!

Sometimes people can be so frustrating.  Due to sensitive subjects I cannot mention names or situations; however, STOP BEING SO STUPID AND SELFISH AND SELF CENTERED AND DESTROYING HELPLESS PEOPLE ON A WHIM OR BECAUSE YOU ARE ANNOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday after...

OK.  I am back to low-carbing after a 3-day excursion into Sugarland.  Glad to be back!  Sugar is great once in a while but too much always makes me feel like crud.  I am purging myself with water, protein and broccoli!

12 Blessings

Twelve blessings I've been given, twelve blessings I know, One has gone home and avoids this show. Eleven are left my quiver still full, Their joy and their anguish, my senses ne're dull. I love them all regardless their bend, My prayers and my blessings I'll always send. Some this year may not see my face, But my prayer for them is to dwell in God's grace.

What am I thankful for?

I am thankful: That leisure suits have not returned with bell-bottoms That department stores have so much static electricity built up that I can now shock my kids instead of my younger sisters Sucralose Velcro Slip on shoes Hawaii 5-0 was remade The Cooking Channel Turkeys have been domesticated Superballs Slinkies can still be found in steel Jocky style underwear Being born in America My wife and family, Being called by God to salvation

My Top Ten Pet Peeves

#10 - Pronouncing the word nuclear as nuke-u-ler instead of new-clear. #9 - There is no low-carb sugar free frozen yogurt #8 - Wine is not sold in grocery stores in Utah #7 - Retail clerks who ignore the needs of children customers simply because they are children #6 - People who arrogantly misjudge our family because we are large #5 - People under the age of 30 who think they know it all #4 - People 30 and over who think they know it all #3 - People who insist on tolerance of other's beliefs but are very intolerant toward mine #2 - People who try and beat the emergency vehicles instead of pulling over when they can. #1 - People who claim to be as I, a follower of Christ, but exhibit pharaseeical (sp?) behavior.

Why Me?!!!

Anyone who knows some of my history, especially the past 4 + years, would think that this is a daily cry to God. - My mother died in fall 2007 - Received a really bad career/work evaluation in March 2008 - Approximately 5 kidney surgeries in 2008 - My close friend died in 2008 and his funeral was on the day of one of those surgeries so I could not attend - My 12 year old daughter was hit by a car riding her bicycle Jun 18, 2008 and died 2 weeks later July 2, 2008  (my birthday is June 25 along with Fathers Day in between, her birthday is July 26.) - August my left kidney went into failure - I contracted viral meningitis in February 2009 and almost died - left me unable to work full time. - April 15 2009, 1 month before my pre-scheduled layoff of May 31, I was fired due to my non-performance which was due to my sickness.  We could not afford to sue even though we were told we had a solid case. - April 2011, I was denied SS disability, even though I was determined to b...

The Crisp Autumn Air and What I miss about Philly

The leaves turning and the crisp air in the mornings takes my mind back to apple cider and ginger snaps.  There was an orchard that was about 20 miles outside the city in Bucks county PA.  It was Styers Orchards.  They had a little retail shop and in it they had fresh cider in a little wedding-like fountain that you could sample the cider.  Made you buy gallons immediately.  Good marketing ploy!  My buddy Jim and I would drive up there buy a gallon to take home and a quart to drink on the way.     None of that filtered junk the stores try to pass off either.  Sediment and all.  I would love to take the container and shake it really hard and drink it first thing in the morning to cut through the night dry mouth.  I loved drinking it while eating ginger snap cookies too.  I know this is musing but my mom would make a dressing that she would stuff chickens and turkeys that had a sage sausage foundation.  She would cook the gi...

Recent Movie

This movie has a little bit of the hokieness sometimes seen in Christian based/made movies but it was pretty good and is available on NETFLIX.  "The Encounter."  You might like it.  Has an excellent message.

A FB Lament!

Why is it when women post on facebook nice little blurbs about how real men should be, they are considered wise; however, if a man posts blurbs about real women, he is considered sexist, narrow-minded, and oppressive?  If you don't believe that this is true, just ask how many women feel that Paul (the apostle) was sexist. -Pete

Ode To A Chemistry Teacher

I teach a hated subject to many of your kids, When they hear chemistry they always flip their lids! If I give them brain teasing chores, Thank me for ceasing CG wars. X-Box, The Cube, or PSP, is replaced by learning stoichiometry. When they babble formulas in their sleep, Remember tis I their brains to keep!


Hi, I decided to write a blog about random stuff.  You might find poetry, you may find pet peeves, you may find movie and or music critiques.  You will definitely find respect and you will find a safe place to voice an opinion or thought if it is respectful, clean, and polite.  Here is a little blurb about me: Howdy, I say howdy because I have gotten away from my east coast roots. Otherwise I might say. Yo! S'up?! Yes, it is true I was born and raised in blue collar urban Philadelphia (PA not Mississippi). I graduated from Temple University in 1988 with a Bachelor's in Chemistry and went on to earn my Masters in Physical Chemistry from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City UT. While in grad school I was published in some journals and developed a patent for the stabilization of potential rocket fuels. Yes, I can say that I am a rocket scientist. My research was classified as Solid State Molecular Dynamics but that was just a nice way of saying I got to use lasers ...