My Top Ten Pet Peeves
#10 - Pronouncing the word nuclear as nuke-u-ler instead of new-clear.
#9 - There is no low-carb sugar free frozen yogurt
#8 - Wine is not sold in grocery stores in Utah
#7 - Retail clerks who ignore the needs of children customers simply because they are children
#6 - People who arrogantly misjudge our family because we are large
#5 - People under the age of 30 who think they know it all
#4 - People 30 and over who think they know it all
#3 - People who insist on tolerance of other's beliefs but are very intolerant toward mine
#2 - People who try and beat the emergency vehicles instead of pulling over when they can.
#1 - People who claim to be as I, a follower of Christ, but exhibit pharaseeical (sp?) behavior.
#9 - There is no low-carb sugar free frozen yogurt
#8 - Wine is not sold in grocery stores in Utah
#7 - Retail clerks who ignore the needs of children customers simply because they are children
#6 - People who arrogantly misjudge our family because we are large
#5 - People under the age of 30 who think they know it all
#4 - People 30 and over who think they know it all
#3 - People who insist on tolerance of other's beliefs but are very intolerant toward mine
#2 - People who try and beat the emergency vehicles instead of pulling over when they can.
#1 - People who claim to be as I, a follower of Christ, but exhibit pharaseeical (sp?) behavior.
Couldn't agree more with #8, #6 and #3! ;)