I have been re-reading the book of Romans in the Holy Bible. There is a word that occurs 14 times that God has brought to my attention. The word is "hope." When God, through His Holy Spirit brings a word to my attention, I research it. Like all Bible scholars, and wannabes (me), I went to the Greek. The word used for hope, in the Greek, is "elpida, elpidi," et.al. This word is also translated as expected or expectation. So I contemplated (picture me in an Alistair Cooke setting, LOL) the application of the word hope. Hope can be anything from hoping for an A on a test, a Lamborghini, a kiss, a healing, a new job, etc. But hope, as the apostle Paul meant in his epistles, was that of expectation. Not just the hope of a maybe, but the expectation of a promise to be fulfilled. A hope that requires faith. Faith that says not just something to which we look forward, but a trust and belief that allows you to EXPECT that it will be fulfilled....
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